

IB students find themselves exceptionally well-prepared for the original research built into each year of 网赌平台网站’s academic program. New College finds IB students ready and eager to think outside the box and across disciplines in pursuit of new ideas, 观点和解决方案. 网赌平台网站是IB教育的自然延伸, 挑战学生综合思想, think critically and work closely with faculty on original research. 一月的学期留给独立研究项目, and students frequently customize their studies with semester tutorials to focus on research topics of particular interest. 最终,这将导致高级顶点项目. 类似于扩展论文的工作, New College students work on their project with their faculty capstone adviser. Then they present the project and answer questions from their faculty committee in the baccalaureate exam.

“There is no better primer for New College than IB’s required course “Theory of Knowledge.” My Pensacola High School academic counselor looked at my file and, 当她看到我是IB学生时, 她恳求我不要把目光投向网赌平台网站. 我的IB协调员和老师都同意.”



会海伍德 珊瑚盖布尔斯高中IB课程

“I think New College really helped me foster this idea of constantly learning and engaging, and not being afraid to try new things (even if I won’t do as well as I think I will). 因为我在网赌平台网站的经历, I just really encourage students now to pursue interdisciplinary education in that way.”

朱莉娅·海沃德(julia Heyward)目前是《赌城平台网站》的研究员.

Daria泡利 珊瑚礁高中IB项目

“Having had experience with project management after completing my extended essay, 中科院项目, 和更多的, I came into college well-equipped to manage my time and find ways to balance my academics with my other interests. One project that I’ve been working on at NCF has been a genomics-based study that I’ve been a research assistant for. I’ve had the opportunity to learn new data analysis tools and present this work at two conferences! It’s been super rewarding to see how far this work has come from the beginning to now. 这项工作也为我的高级顶点项目提供了信息!”

Daria泡利 is currently a Biology/Neuroscience student at New College.

Vijay Sivaraman 东区高中IB项目

“The IB experience was truly life-changing, in similar ways to NCF. 这两件事都教会了我要重视独立和自力更生, 同时也非常重视社区, and in both I developed amazing communities of colleagues who I stay close with to this day. IB taught me to “level up” from what would be expected of me academically. The program also taught me to actually THINK and not simply regurgitate material and sound bites. The group projects and the extended essay forced me to expect more out of myself. This segued well into New College, where all these skills served me well. 独立, problem solving and self-motivation (taught in IB) was demanded for success at New College. The New College experience provided me an experience of self-directed learning, 但也教会了何时向教授寻求必要的支持.”

Vijay Sivaraman, 01级, is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences at North Carolina Central University.



网赌平台网站是一个价值观驱动的环境. Students are expected to embrace a just, diverse, equitable and inclusive community.



IB Students can earn up to 45 semester hours of unduplicated IB credit toward their degree including credit for both the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge course. (SL & HL评分为“4”,EE & TOK文凭成绩为“C”)


位于萨拉索塔湾, the 110-acre campus boasts a model faculty-student advisory system, 专注于职业.


New College is Ranked #5 in public liberal arts colleges in the U.S. 是一所“最具价值的学校”.” (U.S. 新闻与世界报道)


Competitive tuition and fees, with over 90% of students assigned a New College scholarship. 2022-2023 annual estimated costs (before scholarship) – Florida resident tuition: $6,916. 食宿:10892美元. 州外学费:29,944美元.


The student-to-faculty ratio is 6:1 – average class size of 11 students. Learner engagement and collaboration with world-class faculty is promoted.


Unique undergraduate programs with the flexibility for students to customize their education.


通过高级顶点项目, students present and defend original work in their major to a faculty baccalaureate committee.


学术合同——一个综合性的, individualized study plan – provides a framework for regular reflection and flexible planning.


New College assists students with putting knowledge and discovery to action in intensive 独立研究项目 (ISPs).


我们的不重复考试学分上限是45小时. This makes graduation possible within 2 ½-3 years to earn the equivalent of
at least 79 more hours, but you may take additional hours, and a fourth year if needed.

NCF assigns credit hours for IB exam scores of 4 and higher (and C and higher grades for TOK and Extended Essay on the IB Diploma).
We also assign fulfillment of general education requirements as they apply.

了解更多关于 IB学分转换

Professors decide course placement and substitutes for major requirements, 所以准备好和你的老师谈谈.  带上你的IB
这些讨论的课程大纲! For work in languages, math, and some of the sciences, faculty may also use placement exams.

The most important factor for renewing scholarships and other financial aid is to complete your work satisfactorily and on time.
大多数学生将获得奖学金资助. For NCF scholarships, and for most State of Florida scholarship programs, you may
receive up to 8 semesters of scholarship funding (this allows funding for 4 full years, 即使有IB学分.)
任何联邦援助和基于需求的援助, transfer credit applies to the maximum limit of 186 hours for attempted work. 所以如果你
have federal or need-based financial aid, keep a special eye on the number of hours you attempt.

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